My Clients
„For us Andres Torm is a unique discovery. Positive and talented host who despite of his young age has executed dozens of events. During the four year partnership we have realized staff, client and promotional events. Thanks to multifarious experience he can manage in different social groups and has great communication skills with younger and elder people and also speaks in english“
ID Production
“Surprising and unpredictable situations don`t take Torm down. The bigger the challenge the most likely You can trust the event to the hands of Torm. If You throw him into a cold water, he just doesn`t survive on the surface instead he enjoys the moment at its best. Also the audience enjoyes – Torms good humour, intelligent performance and the ability to always think and talk along makes him a very valuable partner to work with.”
„We made and experiment in the office, where one of us said Andres Torm and others shouted instantly what ever firstly beared in mind. The outcome looked like this: “Lively, professional, experienced, spontanious and trustworthy. Skilful with younger but also with elder audience““
“I have happened to be at a lot of events where Andres has hosted. First of all I like his capability to adjust depending on the space and audience. Regardless if it`s grandmothers jubilee, radio goes live day or club event I would definately put him in charge. His characteristics are accuracy and punctuality besides his proffesionalism. Also not to mention his positivity, smile and humour which fits the occasion.”
“Andres, Always a classy, caring professional person. One of the top persons I have had and still currently from time to time working together. Andres, you present my band James Werts World Project in the brightest lights and never have I seen you in a not so good mood. You will continue to spread your positive communicative light forward in all that you do. Continued success my friend James Werts (USA/EST)”
James Wertz World Project